Roban Stores Ltd. - All rights reserved © 2021

We are committed to Ethical trading and it is an important objective for the company. It is important for us that we ensure that our commitments are fulfilled. We recognise the need to communicate our commitments to our stakeholders, most importantly our suppliers and the people who work in our supply chain.

We aim to develop long-standing partnerships with the suppliers who share our values and are committed to our Code of Conduct for Ethical Trade. We require our suppliers to work towards compliance with our Code of Conduct.

Roban stores believes in trade and working transparency. We are transparent with our stakeholders and would encourage our suppliers to do likewise.

Our code of conduct cover s working and employment practise expected from our stakeholders, including, staff and suppliers. It details out trading practices.



We are always looking for new producers and suppliers, both in Nigeria and abroad. We are interested in finding  products made in Nigeria that are unique with an interesting heritage. Roban stores is always looking to sell products that are truly exceptional.

Customers and other stakeholders increasingly want to know where their food comes from and how it was produced. Working alongside farmers we believe that responsible sourcing is good for the people, good for our company and good for the environment. We are helping to improve the lives of farmers who grow our ingredients and products. We want to offer good quality products but also be competitive, affordable, profitable and sustainable at the same time. We are committed to responsibly sourcing the ingredients that go into our foods or the products that we sell to our customers.

At Roban, we believe that longevity and trust in our business relationships are essential to ensure the high quality and reliability of the products we provide to our customers. It’s our job to make sure our customers can trust that the products they buy from us  have been grown,  and the people involved in bringing them to market have responsibly sourced their products . We work closely with our partners and suppliers to ensure that they supply us with superior products.



We pride ourselves on having good supplier relationships. One of the most important ways we are making progress in souring, is by working more closely with our suppliers both in Nigeria and abroad.

We sell a variety of products and we are always ready to work with suppliers who wish to support our ethical trade goals. Roban is a reputable store known for selling quality products, and we plan on maintaining these standards. Suppliers are only allowed to sell us products that have been tested and registered with national or  regulatory bodies. Integrity is key, if you are to join our supply chain.

We understand our customers , so we provide our customers with variety of products at fair prices.   We believe in responsible sourcing, which means we look  beyond the cost and quality of the goods we purchase. We are committed to maintaining a high standard of business ethics in our dealings with suppliers. We expect our suppliers to do business the right way, this protects our reputation.

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